#MyVillage #WomensHistoryMonth,
Meet Gracelyn! Talking purity plus more w/ Gracelyn
Sunday, March 24, 2019
We're still going! All month long I am celebrating young women in honor of Women's History Month.
Today's feature is with the amazing Gracelyn! I met Gracelyn a few years ago and was so inspired by her journey. She's such an inspirational young woman and I could not wait to have her on the blog.
Gracelyn decided that she wanted to do a Q&A and as soon as I started reading her answers I was crying!!
Grab your tissues and read a bit about Gracelyn below:
1. How old are you?
I am 19 years old!
2. What is something that makes you special?
My identity makes me
special. My name is Gracelyn. On June 29th, 1999 - I was born 2lbs, 1oz to two
parents who believed in the Grace of God. Mom went through so much; blood
transfusions, shots, bedrest, allergies to medication, depression, and severe
hemorrhaging. The doctors told my parents that if my mom didn't have a blood
transfusion, we would both die. This is when I was named “Gracelyn” because my
parents said that it was by the “GRACE" of God if I lived. My mom was so
sick, tired and worn out that she said to God “If this baby is not born by
Tuesday, then I quit”. Sure enough, our Father in Heaven heard her cry and
within an hour her contractions started 20 minutes til midnight and I was born
that Tuesday morning. Now my name is Gracelyn. My name carries life, power,
identity, beauty, strength, and of course- love. I believe with everything in
me that the reason why I am who I am is not because of anything that I have
said or done- but it is because His Grace is sufficient for me (2 Corinthians
12:9). Someone fought for me, someone paid a price for me, someone suffered for
me. This is what Jesus Christ did for me and for you. That is what makes US
special. My name is not just a name, it is my identity. God marked me for Him.
To live, breath, and do all that I do to glorify Him. I encourage you to find
out what your name means, maybe it’s not a positive meaning or maybe it is, but
be sure to identify based on who God calls you, not based on what you’ve faced.
You are a daughter, you are a son, and you are special, precious, and loved in
His sight. (Isaiah 43:4)
3. When did you know you had a special message to share with the
In 2016, I began making 2-3 minute inspirational Snapchat
stories. I grabbed my phone nearly every day to speak about what God placed in my
heart. I spoke a lot about relationships, worth, love, and humanity. There were
days that I went to school and was asked if I’d ever considered starting a
YouTube channel. I then felt compelled to begin my YouTube channel Gracelyn
Sorrell speaking on purity, love, and relationships, I realized that if people
were inspired, then I was doing something right. I knew that I had a special
message to share with the world well…When I started sharing it. In my process
of committing to purity, losing my father, pornography addiction, same-sex
assault, bullying, being set apart and so much more- I didn’t understand any of
it. I couldn’t seem to comprehend God's thoughts for me when mine were
everywhere. I was broken and I couldn’t find the courage to share my story with
the world because I couldn’t get past the question that I’d asked God nearly
every day, “Why me?" Until one day He said to me, “Why NOT you?” I said
okay God, fine- You can use me even IN my pain. He did just that and continues
to give me platforms to speak and share what He has placed in my heart.
4. What would you consider your biggest obstacle that you have
The biggest obstacle
that I have overcome was struggling with identity issues. This was not only an
obstacle, but it was also a course- a process that you can’t skip to the end to
win. It was a process that I’d least expected that I would deal with. It sprung
up from being bullied and same-sex assault. My entire life was flipped upside
down. I didn’t know who I was, so I accepted who people told me I was. I didn’t
know how to get to know other people, so I isolated myself. I didn’t know
how to love, so I accepted lust. I didn’t even know what my laugh naturally
sounded like, so I tried to sound like everyone else. My perspective was
perverted and distorted in every way. My days were cloudy and it felt like the
longest storm. Struggling with identity does not only equate to sexual
orientation, but identity issues also begin when you don’t feel worthy enough
to find the truth. Identity lies in truth and I wasn’t willing to find truth
because that meant facing a mirror and confessing that I was broken and needed
5. What do you do for fun?
don’t shop to splurge, I shop to style. I love to go out and look for cute
accessories, and pieces that can go with my current hairstyle or shoes. I love
jeans and comfy things but I am definitely getting into more creative looks all
while expressing my personality. If I say “OH MY GOSH, LOOOOOK”, It’s probably
a yes from me!
6. What is the greatest testimony that you have witnessed?
One of the greatest
testimonies that I have witnessed was from a beautiful lady named Tatiana Jones
also known as “Totally Tot”. As she lost her baby nearly 8 years ago, I am
reminded of strength and perseverance. The strength that it must take for a
mother to lose a baby. Tots testimony reminds me of Gods power. Tot couldn’t
have controlled what she lost, but God is steering what she will soon discover.
Tot has continued to have hope and carry the gift of hope. The power in Tot is
a testament to Christ’s love for us, even in pain- He loves. Thank you, Tot.
7. What would you tell someone who wants to live a pure lifestyle
and abstain from sex?
To the person who
desires to live a pure lifestyle; please know that purity is not “you put your
right foot in, you put your right foot out” Noooo, Purity is the consistent
progression of your mind, body, and soul. The Bible talks about being lukewarm
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish
you were either one or the other! So, because you are
lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my
mouth.” (Revelation 3:15-16). Dig deeper into knowing what purity truly
means and once you commit to purity, give your whole heart. We live a pure
lifestyle to see Christ (Matthew 5:8). Like I always say “The Goal is Heaven”
and of course always remember that "In a world full of impurity, Purity IS
possible.” -Gracelyn Sorrell
8. How do you handle this calling at such a young age?
I handle this calling
by daily surrender. I give God a fresh “Yes” every day of my life. I could
never ever do it by myself.
9. What keeps you grounded?
My mother keeps me
grounded. Her wisdom, truth, and love correct me when I’m wrong and I can admit
that she will tell me what I need to hear when I need to hear it. These days,
I’m so self-aware that I usually tell her what I’m doing wrong, and she will
agree or say “No, you are being too hard on yourself” my mom has shown me the
love, compassion and truth of Christ which reminds me that I am nothing and He
is everything.
Instagram: @GracelynSorrell
YouTube: Gracelyn
Recent feature on Gracelyn

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