Meet Makayla Cephus! Let's talk about depression!
Sunday, March 17, 2019
The celebration continues! All month long for Women's History month,
I am celebrating young women who are truly inspirational!
I first met Makayla Cephus last October. I happened to be in a room with her Mother and some other friends and they were watching her on FB Live. She was transparently telling her story of depression and her journey with it.
I was floored by her honesty and intrigued by her story. I immediately knew I wanted her on the blog. There's something so powerful about finding your voice and using it for the Kingdom of God! Makayla, at the mere age of 21 has done both! She fearlessly shares her journey and even has a book out out now. As I do with all of my guest bloggers, I invited Makayla to share with my readers....
In her own words:
I, Makayla Cephus, am here to tell you that you don't have to deal with depression and suicidal thoughts alone and it's never too late to give God your "Yes!"
My book is dedicated to those who currently battle depression and are tormented by suicidal thoughts. I desire to lead the parade in breaking the silence on such a horrendous emotional experience which can cripple and stagnant a life, if left untreated.
My book is dedicated to those who currently battle depression and are tormented by suicidal thoughts. I desire to lead the parade in breaking the silence on such a horrendous emotional experience which can cripple and stagnant a life, if left untreated.

There are many who are suffering alone!
I was ignited and inspired by observing other moms who’ve experienced depression on a wide, diverse spectrum; including postpartum. Those heroic women gave me the courage to tell my story, in hopes that others will be fueled to tell their stories,
so, we all can gain strength.
With increased strength, we all win!

I was once that 17 year old girl who became a pregnant teen less than a month of being away at college, feeling as if it was the end of the world. I turned in my dorm room key around 1:30am Saturday morning, to move back home to Chicago IL, realizing that in life, it was no longer about me. Also, I needed to be around love and being so far away from my family took that feeling away from me. I worked and enrolled into a community college! Towards the end of my pregnancy, I was fired from my job and kicked out of school due to an $14,000 University debt. It was so hard for me to find a job that would fit my son and I availability and relying on government assistance was never to be apart of my plans. Of course my parents helped and coached me through my pregnancy, but in my heart, a roof over our head was more than enough to be thankful for!
I didn’t know exactly what postpartum was until I found myself crying all the time, disconnecting myself from my child, hanging with the wrong crowd and making drug use my escape from all of my problems. I was battling with demons in my head alone. I didn’t know how to explain what I was going through, so I dealt with it alone and suffered. In attempt of suicide, my plans to kill myself failed. Instead, I was able to hear God’s voice for direction when I thought he had given up on me from numerous mistakes ago. I’ve been forgiven, cleansed, made new and here today to tell you, you too can start over.

You can purchase your “There’s Life After Depression” to read the full story, beginning to end.
To my son, I’ve rejected you from the womb when I didn’t know any better. What I thought was a mistake turned to be my life’s biggest blessing. You have grown with me through the traumatic phases of my life to the better. You have taught me patience, virtue and worth. I break any rejection spirit, identity crisis, word curse or bloodline curse off of you. You are loved! You are a genius. You are vocal. You are a leader. You will do many great things in the earth. I am proud to be your Mommy!